

陈进,三级教授/博导,东南大学兼职博导,江苏特聘教授(卫生检验学),南京医科大学第三届优秀研究生导师”(2022),南医大司法鉴定所授权签字人。20012006年毕业于南京大学获学士、博士; 2005年德国Tech. Univ. Munich,访问博士生,2006Humboldt research fellow; 2009年日本自然科学研究院, postdoc2010年研究助理教授;2014年到校工作。长期从事生物分析和分子伴侣研究工作,发表SCI论文70多篇,被引2000余次。2015年获校特聘教授,2018-2023年获校优秀本科生导师优秀指导教师指导研究生获得江苏省优秀硕士学位论文2篇,校优秀硕士学位论文6篇。



1. 纳米技术和生物医学应用;2. 蛋白稳态和分子识别;3. 肿瘤分子诊断与新型给药体系研究;4. 病原微生物检测和消杀。



1. 江苏省高等学校自然科学研究重大项目,环境友好型多功能复合膜抗菌应用及机制研究,2023-202530万元,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金联合基金(U1703118),新疆塔里木双峰驼血清免疫反应效应因子评价和结构生物学研究,2018-2020,主持,已结题。

3. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,构建可控微纳体系发展肿瘤标志物多元检测新方法,2018-202110万元,主持,已结题。

4. 江苏特聘教授基金(卫生检验学),2016-2019100万元,主持,已结题。



ISO/TC300国内技术对口工作组委员,中国骆驼产业联盟专家委员会委员,江苏省生物医学工程协会专业委员会委员,AJPS, AROH, Burns & trauma, EEH, iMeta, Med Adv, MMR(卓越行动计划)等期刊青年编委;《理化检验》青年编委,Chem. Eng. J., Anal. Chem.50多种国际期刊审稿人。



1. Yang J#, Luo H#, Zhu X, Cai L, Zhou L, Ruan H*, Chen J* Copper-doped bismuth oxychloride nanosheets assembled into sphere-like morphology for improved photocatalytic inactivation of drug-resistant bacteria. Sci Total Environ 2024, 912, 168916.

2. Cai L, Zhang L, Yang J, Zhu X, Wei W, Jiang H, Ji M, Chen J* Encapsulating antibiotic and protein-stabilized nano-silver into sandwich-structured electrospun nanofibrous scaffold for MRSA-infected wound treatment. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 42, 48978-48995.

3. Le G#, Li Y#, Cai L, Zhang L, Pei W, Zhu X, Xu S, Zhang J, Chen J* Lysozyme-based nanozyme encapsulated in double-network hydrogel for monitoring and repair of MRSA infected wounds. Chem Eng J 2023, 477, 146421.

4. Pei W#, Li YQ#, Wu YX#, Wu Y#, Cai L, Wang SZ, Wang SL, Chen J* A tumoricidal lipoprotein complex electrostatically stabilized on mesoporous silica as nanotherapeutics and nanoadjuvant for potentiating immunotherapy of triple negative breast cancer. Adv Funct Mater 2023, 2308117.

5. Cai L#, Zhu X#, Ruan H#, Yang J, Wei W, Wu Y, Zhou L, Jiang H, Ji M, Chen J* Curcumin-stabilized silver nanoparticles encapsulated in biocompatible electrospun nanofibrous scaffold for sustained eradication of drug-resistant bacteria. J Hazard Mater, 2023, 452, 131290.

6. Zhang J.#, Xu Q.#, Pei W.#, Jiang H., Chen J.* Desolvation-induced formation of recombinant camel serum albumin-based nanocomposite for glutathione colorimetric determination. Sensor Actuat B-Chem, 2022, 357, 131417.

7. Zhu X.#, Wang J.#, Cai L.#, Wu Y.#, Ji M., Jiang H., Chen J* Dissection of antibacterial mechanism of zinc oxide nanoparticles with manipulable nanoscale morphologies. J Hazard Mater, 2022, 430, 128436.

8. Pei W#, Cai L#, Gong X#, Zhang L#, Zhang J, Zhu P, Jiang H, Wang C, Wang S*, Chen J* Drug-loaded oleic-acid grafted mesoporous silica nanoparticles conjugated with α-lactalbumin resembling BAMLET-like anticancer agent with improved biocompatibility and therapeutic efficacy. Materials Today Bio, 2022, 15, 100272.

9. Zhang J.#, Xu Q.#, Pei W.#, Cai L., Yu X., Jiang H., Chen J.* Self-assembled recombinant camel serum albumin nanoparticles-encapsulated hemin with peroxidase-like activity for colorimetric detection of hydrogen peroxide and glucose. Int J Biol Macromol, 2021, 193, 2103-2112.

10. Zhou L.#, Cai L.#, Ruan H.#, Zhang L.#, Wang J., Jiang H., Wu Y.*, Feng S.*, Chen J.* Electrospun chitosan oligosaccharide/polycaprolactone nanofibers loaded with wound-healing compounds of Rutin and Quercetin as antibacterial dressings. Int J Biol Macromol 2021, 183, 1145-1154.
